Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Communists approve the action taken against Social Dumping in Malta

Asian workers at Leisure Clothing

The Communist Party of Malta supports the steps taken by the local authorities with respect to the working conditions that where prevalent in Leisure Clothing Company, which was taken to court and accused with exploiting foreign workers coming from Asia.
The Communist Party of Malta insists that all the international and local companies working in Malta should respect Maltese laws and regulations with regards to the working conditions. The Party maintains that the Government should ensure that no social dumping takes place in Malta.  
The Party is also of the opinion that unions should protest whenever there is a case of social dumping, so to strengthen worker’s rights in all the sectors of the Maltese economy. In a globalised economic system, more militancy is needed by the workers and the unions as to ensure the safeguarding of worker’s rights”.

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