Friday, July 1, 2011

The Communist Party of Malta applauds the resistance shown by European workers against the austerity measures.

The Communist Party of Malta fully supports the resistance of the working class in Greece, France, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Britain, Italy and Belgium against the imposition of austerity measures by the European Commission, the IMF, the World Bank and the European Central Bank.

The Party once again asserts that "the European Union has lost its social direction. The measures that are being taken by several European leaders to combat the economic crises, is nothing more than the continuation of neo-liberalism, which the European Commission wants to continue to enforce as a pretext to restore the Euro stability".

The Communist Party of Malta states "that the vote taken recently in the European Parliament to introduce a common EU package of austerity is condemnable, as it is based on the dismantlement of collective bargaining, a reduction in wages, deregulation of the labour market, a more rigid tax system on the workers, and the privatization of more public services”.

The perseverance France and Germany, is also condemnable. They are insisting that the granting of a 'bailout' to Greece should be tied to an austerity package which will include a reduction of € 2.2 billion in public sector wages, a reduction of € 5 billion from pension and social security, lower taxes for employers and more taxes on the workers and the massive sales of state assets amounting to € 50 billion.

The Communist Party of Malta supports the struggle of the Greek Communist Party and other communist parties in their respective European countries in their fight against the austerity measures. The Party believes that a Social Europe cannot be built on a neo liberal foundation.

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